Climate change is having an impact on the communities we manage. As more and more greenhouse gases are emitted, the rainfall patterns are becoming erratic. It has been suggested that climate change will result in more severe drought conditions now and in the future.
One has only to drive over one of the bridges traversing the Connecticut River to know that this has been an exceptionally dry year. The water level is much lower than normal and areas of sand and grasses never before seen are being exposed and created. The drought is impacting all streams, ponds and bodies of water. The groundwater is decreasing in all regions. Reservoirs and watersheds are being impacted by decreasing water levels and an increase in plants and algae. Wildfire alerts have been in place for months. Open fires in state parks have been banned.
Most of Massachusetts has been in a significant or critical drought for the last 60 days. And this is not the first time this has happened.
Cities and towns within the Commonwealth and Connecticut have mandatory watering restrictions. Costs for irrigation are on the rise as water rates have increased on an annual basis.
This can impact the aesthetic of the communities if we continue a “business as usual” approach to watering lawns and other green areas.
Has the time come to change the thought process as to how we manage our water usage and maintain our common areas? Should we now be adopting a less water dependent plan for our grounds and yet still maintain the aesthetic appeal to our lawn and tree belt locations?
Are drought resistant grasses, plants and “rock-scapes” the way to provide for a controlled expense for common ground maintenance?
More and more communities are considering altering the long-term plans for their communities and opting to be pro-active partners with conservation groups and limit their ongoing exposure to droughts and climate change impacts.